Today, triathlete Philip La Haye, whose wife, Blair LaHaye, is the Director of Communications for Ironman, let us in on a little secret. “If you’re looking for the biggest gathering of the world’s best race directors,” he said, “Go to the Ironman Kids Fun Swim Run.” Race directors from the best Ironman races across the globe come together to help put on the Ironman Kids race every year. You could call it the best-organized (and most adorable!) event in the world.
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The Ironman Kids race is truly one of the most inspiring events that goes on during Ironman Week here on Kona. What grabs you every time is their onverwhelming enthusiasm for the sport. They give it all they've got, and if they mess up the little things, like going the right way around the buoy or having to run barefoot because they can't get their shoes on, they don't slow down one bit. We should all take a lesson from this kind of tenacity and enthusiasm.

When you're racing on Saturday, don't forget that this incredible event in this gorgeous place is, yes, an opportunity for you to show off your muscles and beat last year's time, but it's also an opportunity to experience that purest form of childhood fun: the joy of motion.
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The Ironman Kids race is truly one of the most inspiring events that goes on during Ironman Week here on Kona. What grabs you every time is their onverwhelming enthusiasm for the sport. They give it all they've got, and if they mess up the little things, like going the right way around the buoy or having to run barefoot because they can't get their shoes on, they don't slow down one bit. We should all take a lesson from this kind of tenacity and enthusiasm.
When you're racing on Saturday, don't forget that this incredible event in this gorgeous place is, yes, an opportunity for you to show off your muscles and beat last year's time, but it's also an opportunity to experience that purest form of childhood fun: the joy of motion.
awesome! thanks for posting Mitch.